Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday Mornin... Sunday Morninnnnnnnnn...

My title was supposed to sound like a song, but it didn't work to well.. can you guess which song? Just for fun?


I woke up yesterday morning at 7 am. Our church service starts at 10am, and every week I think to myself that I have plenty of time to get myself and my two little boys there on time. My younger son slept in until almost 8:30 so I used that time to get my face on and decide what I'll wear - believe it or not, that can sometimes take a long time as I'm not the most fashion savvy gal out there. Before I knew it the time was 9am and I had myself ready - though not dressed yet because that's just a bad idea to wear your Sunday best an hour before church starts when you have boys - and I had clean clothes pulled out for the kids, socks included. I even had an idea of where their shoes might be located. That was just an idea, though... All that was left to do was get breakfast for me and my slumber king who slept in, dress the whole lot of us and then whip up a quick salad for our church potluck. I had an hour. Thought that was pretty good.

Breakfast, 20 minutes.
Get dressed, 3 minutes.
Dress slumber king, 5 minutes (he's wiggly)

9:28, still doing pretty good.

As I was getting Jackson dressed my older child did a very timely BM and needed cleansing. While I was cleaning him up, Jackson ran into my bathroom and grabbed my toilet brush and it's carrying pot thingy... pulled out the brush and dumped whatever evil was in the carrying pot thingy all over the ONLY pair of nice pants he has that fit him. I'm pretty sure they're ruined. Now I have one poopy child lying on MY bed and one pouring pure evil all over himself. The question that didn't even have time to cross my mind was, "which child do I help first?" If I stay with Linden, Jack could get hurt cause there was probably bleach in that carrying pot thingy. If I leave Linden and help Jack I get poop on my bed. I chose the latter because, well, bleach. Now my boys weren't going to coordinate their clothes, not that they cared, and Jackson had to wear ankle biters to church.

Time? 10am..

I got the boys in their carseats and promised I'd come back in a minute or two. I still had to make my salad. Pulled out everything I needed and started making the dressing. No olive oil. No salad. I decided that we'd have to be the family that shows up to a potluck empty handed today.

By the time we got to church it was 10:20 and I was spent. Thankfully, we had a beautiful missionary couple visiting our service, some good friends of ours. It was such a delight to hear their update and see the video of the work they're doing in India. I was quickly reminded that all of my complaining is so unnecessary and a little poop on my sheets and toilet brush juice on my son's nice pants is not the end of the world. I just wish I could laugh more in the moment then after the moment. There was even plenty of food at the potluck and I got to catch up for a few minutes with my missionary friend.

Good morning? You bet. Sometimes there are plenty of reasons to keep us from joining in the fellowship of our friends and loved ones. Sometimes you just gotta get there. No matter what. I'm so glad I did.

Blessed, Laura

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh darn. That backfired.

I'm learning.

I tend to be a person who over teaches things. When someone else is not understanding what I'm teaching I find it much easier - though I'm not proud of this - to just finish it myself. An example would be my 3 year old wanting to put his own shoes on. It takes 1 minute for me to put his shoes on, it takes 10 minutes for him to put his shoes on and even then we have to take them off and fix it. I'm learning to let him try it on his own and celebrate the little achievements along the way instead of insisting on the correct outcome. So he puts them on the wrong feet... that's OK, he managed to get the velcro done up properly on both sides. Great job! He did it himself. All by himself. Maybe he'll get them on the right feet tomorrow.

On the topic of shoes, that very same 3 year old (Linden) likes to take his shoes off in the van while we're heading somewhere. I have told him many times to keep his shoes on. Today was no exception. Well, there was an exception. Mike and I are watching a DVD series right now on parenting. It's called, "Loving Our Kids on Purpose" by Danny Silk. Last night we were taught some simple ways to help children learn and take responsibility for their choices and actions. So, today I was armed with tools to help Linden learn a valuable lesson. Mr. Silk taught that it's a lot easier as the parent to just get angry or upset and say, "I don't have time for this!" while jamming the shoes back on his little feet (He was telling a different story, but insert our reality here). The child gets a stern talking to but still gets his shoes back on before heading out of the van. He's happy. No wet feet, got to have his shoes off, and see a pretty good reaction out of mom.

Not today. Today when Linden took his shoes off I didn't respond. I just got the grocery cart and lifted him out of the van onto the pavement. His reaction scared me. "Cool mom! I get to walk in my socks!" I thought to myself, "Oh darn. That backfired." He was supposed to tell me that he wanted his shoes back on so I could tell him that he made the choice to have his shoes off and he'll have to keep them off until we get home. We walked into the store and Linden got in the cart, we finished our shop and as we were leaving I lifted him out and said, "OK Linden, ready to walk to the van?" to which he replied, "YA!". We got outside and it was raining. It only took a few steps - and a few evil glares at me from concerned citizens - before Linden stopped and said that his feet were getting really wet. I responded calmly and lovingly, "Oh no! Boy, it sure is nice to wear shoes outside isn't it? We better get back to the van. Maybe next time you'll choose to keep your shoes on." Linden looked at me with a confused, blank look and then kept walking to the van.  Lesson learned? We'll find out tomorrow when we're driving, hopefully his shoes will stay on his feet. (Just so you know, we were parked in the best parking spot available, close to the entrance. I didn't let my child get hypothermia)

If I constantly am solving all of my kids problems for them, the problem may be resolved, but the child doesn't learn anything. Kids are smart. They need opportunity to use the beautiful brains that God gave them and we need to not be afraid of what will happen if they mess up. I hope that the result of our little learning opportunity today will be that Linden thinks before he takes his shoes off. I hope he doesn't think, "If I take my shoes off, I'll get in trouble." I hope he thinks, "If I take my shoes off, my feet will get wet." Then he will be learning to think for himself and not just follow rules cause he has to.

This is my learning journey. I am loving this series so far and I know Mike is too. Hopefully I will be able to give some great updates on our progress and bring you along on the journey.

Journey is a funny word. Journey. Jour. Ney. Jeeerrrrrnnneeeeey.


Friday, July 9, 2010

I don't have much time here cause my boys are both starting to wake up from their naps.........

And update on this little momma that can:

I potty trained Linden last week. He turned three in June and I still had no plan of potty training him until his bowels are functioning like they should. They're not yet, but Linden all of a sudden started saying things like "Mom, I don't want you to change my diaper, I like my diaper" and other such scary sentences. I figured that this had to be the ultimate sign of 'ready' of perhaps beyond ready and a potential missed opportunity. Deciding quite quickly and not giving much time for me to talk myself out of it I started telling my mommy friends that the following week it would be done. I had to tell as many people as I could so I wouldn't back down.

Welp, I can tell you that the first two days were very, very challenging. Linden went potty upwards of 40 times. Each. Day. He was just so nervous and excited. Plus, the chocolate covered raisins create much more of a sugar high when you eat 40 in one day rather than 5 or 6. I think he enjoyed that part too. By Wednesday the nerves wore off and Linden really started to get the hang of it. Thursday we thought we'd try and venture out to our Canada parade and see how he did. We stopped for the potty while walking to and from the parade from our car and besides that he was totally dry. No nothin! Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that Linden officially 'day' potty trained (and ALMOST nighttime too if I may add)!!

Jackson. Oh my Jack, I wish everyone could observe Jackson when he is home and playing. He really is one of the funniest 16 month old kids I've ever seen. He is so smart, doesn't talk much, but he knows what he wants and he can find a way to tell you. One of the things that he can say is "I did it!!" It actually sounds more like "I diddahhh!" and he truly has the best timing when saying it. A couple of examples for you. The other day he threw a sippy cup down the stairs and the lid flew off spilling water everywhere. "I diddaahhh!" Jackson shouted. Another day he picked up a step stool and threw it across the room (yes, a step stool). "I diddaahhh!" Jackson proudly shouted. The best yet though was a couple days ago when my little man somehow got up into the garden without us seeing and pulled out the little basil that we had growing. "I diddaahhh!" Jackson proclaimed to the rest of us. I love him. He has a good sense of self-appreciation and affirmation I do think. We'll miss our basil, but I'd say it was worth the moment.

If I may say, take a little encouragement from Jack. Say, "I did it!!" to yourself MANY times today, and trust'll make you feel awesome.

Basically this weekend is going to be awesome. It's Mike's 30th birthday tomorrow. We will celebrate! I think there will be chocolate cake records made here in the Bidell household this weekend. Not going to say who will break cake eating records, I just hope it's Mike and not me...sorta. If it does happen to be me I will notes from Jackson and say I did it! If I get sick from eating too much cake I'll be saying "Why did I do it?!!"

Update on my last post about the "Shredding" DVD I was starting, I loved it. But then I had to stop (doctors orders) because of some joint issues...but I can tell you that I was actually really sad I had to stop and have been on my eliptacle almost everyday since. I am loving exercise for the first time in my life and actually look forward to it daily. If you are wondering to yourself right now, "where am I? who's blog am I reading?" don't be afraid, it's still me. I just am getting all grown up I guess. They say that the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. I turn 25 in a couple weeks and I guess the exercise part of my brain took twenty-five years to develop. HA!

Kids are both up. I must go. By all!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What a week!

We said goodbye to our student from Korea on Monday. We are going to miss him a lot. He brought us so much laughter and entertainment, he was an all around good kid.

Tuesday we had three boys come and stay overnight so their parents could have a break. They were angels and actually played quite nicely with Linden so I enjoyed having them. Busy, but fun. It was crazy to think that my boys are going to be 10 and 7 sooner than I think. 10 year olds are pretty smart. So are 7 year olds. Now that I think of it, so are 3 year olds. Linden is super smart. I wonder what he'll know when he's 10. Probably everything.

As mentioned in my last entry, I've started Jillian Michael's "The 30 day Shred" DVD along with some girlfriends of mine. The first week was amazing. I LOVED it! Seriously... I felt so good, I had amazing energy afterwards and was using my evenings to get stuff done instead of crash. A week after starting my knees and ankles started to hurt real bad (said like Napoleon Dynamite). I sound like I'm old or something. One of the doctors at my doctor's office is a sports medicine guy, so I thought I'd just talk to him and see what was up. I really didn't want to have to stop my daily workouts, but it was getting too painful. Welp, I saw my doc.

Oh ya, I'll just mention that five minutes before I was going to put the boys in the van to head out for my appointment I put Jacksons shoes on. You're probably thinking, "ya, Laura, most people put shoes on their kids five minutes before they leave." You're right. But that wasn't the point. The point was that he was in his bedroom when I put them on. And then he fell down the stairs. All of them. Top to bottom. He's so tough, thankfully he wasn't injured. He only cried until I could get his blanket in his hands. Sweet kid. If my kids had a loonie for every catastrophe that happened while trying to leave the house they'd be rich. (I had a typo there that said "they'd be Rick". haha, just throught I'd share that)

Anyways, my knees are just 'mad' at me for going from zero to sixty in one day. You see, there are consequences for doing no physical activity for a long time. My knees are mad at me. Also, I found out I have tendonitus in my ankles. That's not fun. But I have lived with that in my shoulders for a long time so I know how to deal with it more-or-less. So...I have to stop my workout DVD until I strengthen the muscles in my knees. I'm on my eliptical now and doing strengthening exercises for my knees. Still enjoying the workout.

I have to say, I have enjoyed exercising for the last few weeks. It's been a long time since I could say that. I'd love for this to be something that carries on. I'm going to let it.

Yesterday was our fifth wedding anniversary. I love my husband. He brought me Starbucks in bed and we shared a cupcake.

Have a great weekend friends. It's 9:10PM and I think I might go to bed now. zzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jelly and gift wrap.

Hi. I've decided to join a group of crazy women who are doing a 30 day challenge with Jillian Michael's DVD "The Shred". I did my first work out in my living room today and thought to myself, "what an aweful way to die," as I rolled over on the floor struggling to find a morsel of air that I could suck into my lungs. I didn't die. However, if my legs were flavoured I'm sure you could make a delicious jelly out of them. That's how they feel right jelly. I'm contemplating just having them removed, that way I never have to go through that workout again.

Linden had a great time during my workout. He jumped along with me and did the ab workouts on the floor. Then when it was time for the weights Linden disappeared. He came back a minute later with his own set of weights - two giant rolls of gift wrap. They were taller than him! But he faithfully punched the air with me, both of us using our respective sets of dumbbells. It was fun. Until I remembered the burning sensation covering my entire body.

Hopefully I can recover from my near death experience and learn to grasp pain by the neck and say "pain, I grasp you by the neck!!!" or something like that. I'd like to keep going on this program and may or may not fill you in on my progress.

Have a great day friends! I'm going to go and mop the floor on my knees cause it's the only housework I can do that doesn't require me to stand up on my legs. haha.


Friday, May 21, 2010

At least I know it...

Something that I have learned about myself over the past long time is that I have an addictive personality. There's a reason that I have never tried smoking people...I know I'd become addicted. Well, there's another reason and that is that the thought of inhaling smoke into my lungs for fun is not my idea of fun. There's also a reason I don't drink or gamble. I'd become addicted. Drinking doesn't really entice me anyways, but being truthful here - sometimes the thought of winning the 40 million dollars that the lottery companies magically have to give away seems pretty exciting. I know that the reason the amount is 40 million dollars is because millions and millions and millions of people have all bought tickets and not won, but that doesn't matter to me because hey...someone has to win, it might as well be me! Hence, the reason that I don't gamble. I would be lining up at every lottery centre around town trying to muster all my luck into one measly ticket and the real problem would be that I wouldn't think twice about buying another ticket if somehow my luck didn't transfer into the first ticket.

A good example of how I have come to know this about myself? Coffee. I'm not a huge fan of Tim Hortons coffee (sorry TH's lovers...). BUT when they have roll up the rim to win I suddenly forget about my loyalty and love for a good strong brew from Starbucks and spend irrational amounts of money on coffee from TH's so that I can get that silly little rim that is so difficult to roll up anyways. Not only do I pretty much never win, I'm shaking from the amount of coffee that I have poured into my system. Lose. Lose.

Since I have been given this gift of wisdom about myself I have decided that there would be even more wisdom in using this personality trait to my advantage. I'd like to think that my addictive personality will one day transfer into a lot of my day to day cleaning...and healthy food...and exercise...oddly hasn't yet...still troubleshooting on that. BUT! One area it has definately leaked into is saving money!

I was recently graced with some knowledge on how to shop effectively. Lots of stuff with not a lot, or no money spent. Use flyers, hoard coupons and some other sneaky tricks have landed me in a pretty awesome position. I have concluded that at least I have acknowledged that I have a tendency to addictive behaviour and that using this tendency to save my family money is a pretty good outlet.

So if you'll excuse me...I have to go stand by the door and wait for my friday flyers to come. They usually come between 8am and 8pm, so I don't want to miss it.

ps - if you live in BC and want to know what magical tricks and schemes I have come upon to save loads and loads of cash... my source for this wealth of information is MrsSmith - Extreme shopper...look her up on facebook under that name!! She even does skype classes if you live elsewhere in Canada*

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Mother's Day Poem

I once had a mom who changed my diapers
What rhymes with diapers?
Nothing rhymes with diapers.

I once had a mom who taught me to clean up
everybody clean up
everybody clean up.

She taught me to love and to be a good friend
She always made me dinner
And told me I'm a winner

Now I have a mom who is my friend
We chat and we giggle
And we both hate our feet being tickled

Now I have a mom who helps me with my kids
She still makes me dinner
But she doesn't change my diaper

You wonder how it's possible for one mom to do all this?
That's what so amazing
She really is amazing

I'd never ever switch my mom for another
She's the one that I needa
Her name is Carina.

I love you mom. Thank you for being my friend, you truly are wonderful. Happy Mother's Day.

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