Monday, November 30, 2009

Recipe: Carrot Ginger Soup

Hey Folks,

Wow, I didn't think I'd have much to post in this area...and I certainly didn't think I'd have something to post this quickly! BUT, I have a recipe for you.

Mike planted a garden and on Saturday, I harvested the carrots...We got a lot of carrots! So, I looked online to find a recipe to make soup with. It had to be good 'cause it sure wouldn't have been fun to waste all those yummy, home-grown carrots on a yucky recipe. It turned out so good! I made a few adjustments...using beef stock (as that was all I had) instead of vegetable stock and added a couple extra cups of broth to thin it a bit more. I will post the original and then leave it up to you to add your 'touch' to it. Did I mention it's healthy??!
Credit goes to :

Carrot Ginger Soup:

2-3 tbsp olive oil (I put 1 tbsp sesame oil and 2 tbsp olive oil)
7 Large carrots, peeled and cut into rounds
1/2 med yellow onion (I used a whole one cause we like onion), chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 inch piece fresh grated ginger (or generous tsp minced ginger in a jar)
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp curry powder
1/2 each: tumeric, cumin, paprika, red pepper flakes
4 Cups broth of choice

1. Heat olive oil in large pot. Add onions, cook until lightly browned. Add carrots, saute 2 min. Next, add spices and cook about 2 minutes longer until nice and fragrant.
2. Add broth, bringing to boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to low..
3. Simmer for 40 minutes or until carrots are very tender.
4. Blend until smooth adding more broth if necessary to thin.

There you have it! Don't fret if you're missing a spice...I didn't have tumeric and it still turned out great. Wouldn't even know it was missing it. Well...that may also be because I don't know what tumeric tastes like. Nonetheless, a yummy soup that is filling and super low in calories... It fed 4 adults for dinner, plus I've had it for lunch 3 times, and if you know me...I don't take portions lightly :) An added note: my international students aren't crazy about veggies. They GOBBLED it up.

Enjoy! But not too much cause you might turn orange.


Friday, November 27, 2009

That's Not My Child!

Linden went missing today. Well, at least the Linden I have known for the past 2 years. It seems that there comes a point in a child's life when they start to realize that they have more strength and understanding. With that understanding becomes an awareness of the sometimes unpleasantness of life. They start to understand that consequences for behavior is not something that is enjoyable.

We have all had the experience of being around a mom and dad who think that their child is just the cutest thing. They goo and gaa over every move their child makes. Hmmm...most of us have also BEEN that googaling gaagaaling mom or dad. We think to ourselves, "not my child. My child won't go through the ever dreaded 'terrible two's'...even worse, we may think "not my child. my child simply can't have a sinful nature. my child will never do anything to hurt me or disobey."

Then....BAM. IT HITS YOU. It hits you as your child is yanking on your arm screaming, "NO! I WANT MY BALL! AHHHHHHHHH!" You try to remain composed as you fear for the well being of your arm, but this shocking discovery has left you so surprised and without any reasoning...You burst out laughing. Probably the worst option possible, your kid (why am I still talking about you? this is my kid we're talking about here! Sorry, back to the real sorry) MY kid, notices that mommy is laughing and all of a sudden he thinks he has a new super power. When in doubt scream. Pull. Drop to the floor. This new power leaves me feeling comletely helpless. I know I'm not actually helpless because at the end of the day, I am still the mom and he's still the kid. But I tell ya, in that moment I am really at a loss for words.

I was talking to my dad about this last night and he said that indeed all kids are infact born with a sinful nature. They don't have to be taught how to have a fit. Which was something I was wondering, where on earth did Linden learn this from? I am not harsh with him physically. But sorry folks, our precious little children WILL disobey, WILL lie, and WILL hurt your feelings in doing so.

My job as a mother to Linden is the most important thing in his life right now. He NEEDS me to help him learn. "Train up a child in the way they should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" Prov. 22:6
I took away his favorite ball. All day long it sat on the fridge and all day long he asked for it back. Each time he asked I lovingly explained why it was up there. This morning it felt really rewarding to give it back to him. Not only had he gotten his favorite ball back to start a fresh new day, I had followed through on my discipline. ummm...ok, I tried to give it back to him once but my dear hubby stopped me, thanks babe. Sometimes we need helpful reminders from our loved ones :) is a clean slate. I'll let you know where the ball is sitting at the end of the day!

Love, peace and chicken grease,

*Special Note* Linden is not actually missing, nor did he ever physically go missing.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

theblogofallblogs.'s taken me a majorly long time to get this started, but here it is. A blog. I will blog. I can blog.

I've had about a million different topics run through my head as I've thought of what my FIRST EVER blog post could be about. Weight, kids, marriage, weather, bunnies, cars, wrestling...the list really is endless. I want maximum impact. I want to light the internet on fire - of course not literally because really, how would you even do that? - with my blog. What FIRST EVER blog post could ever live up to that expectation?

Instead, I figured it's best to start small. So, today I will be sharing my goals for writing on here. What it may look like, what it may not look like.

Let's start with the title of my page. "The Little Momma that Could - I think I can... I think I can" I have to give the credit for my title to whoever wrote the story of the Little Engine that Could. Without you, well, I'd still be sitting wondering, "what will I name my blog?". So, thanks. For those of you who don't know the story line to this popular American childrens story; it is a story of overcoming obstacles by keeping a positive attitude. I have to say that there are a lot of times in my life where I need to just say to myself, "Laura, pull yourself together. Just do it" (I would also like to credit Nike for this motivational slogan). Finding a positive attitude can be tough sometimes. Especially because it's your choice. And really? Sometimes it's just easier to be annoyed.

Goal number #1? Be real, honest, and still....find the positive.

Goal #2: Share some funny stuff that happens. Having two small children, and yes....a funny husband, makes for some times where all I can do is laugh. Sometimes I'm laughing because it's so funny I can't stop. Sometimes I laugh because I'm so overwhelmed with life that to cry would take too much energy. But most times I'm laughing because I like my life.

Goal #3: Become the Martha Stewart of the blog world. All I want is the recognition, fame and fortune that comes with writing a blog. I don't have much gifting in the area of baking, crafts, arts and such. But I sure can do a really good job of finding recipes online, and albeit, you'll find them on here. I think that if I apply myself and work really hard I can find enough recipes (that others wrote) to become the one stop shop for all your homemaking needs.

Goal #4: To show that I most certainly am not an online Martha but sometimes do indeed find something yummy and will share it with  you. The recognition, fame and fortune would still kinda be a plus though.

Goal #5: To have this take the place of the journal that I never write in. I don't like my printing. And I can type a whole lot faster than I can print. So, you may find some entries in here that show where I'm really at. What's going on in my life. What's good. What's bad. What's changing. What should be changing.

Well, I think those are enough goals to get me going. Perhaps I should have just started with one and taken 'baby steps' to writing and accomplishing the rest of them. But just like anyother go-getter on January 1st, this is my cyber 'new years resolution'.

Thanks for dropping by!
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