Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Taking it all in...

I don't even remember what I wrote about last time.........it's been so long. Oh ya! I like my salad plate. huh. Funny I wrote that then, cause right now my lil precious salad plate is starting to dip in the middle. Ok, I guess it'd have to be made of playdough to do that.

A little update on the life of the little momma that could.

Not gonna lie, life's been a challenge as of late. Linden's got seemingly endless poo issues, Jackson's got an ear infection and trying to cut ten teeth at the same time and learning that pushing buttons on everything is really fun......for HIM. Oh, he also likes to throw things. Big, small, wet, sticky, hard, soft, round, not round, if it somehow gets in his hand he'll throw it.

Jackson is at a really fun age right now; learning everything and it's all such an adventure for him. Just tonight, he was starting to go down the stairs head first so I grabbed him and turned him around. Pulling his leg down towards the next step I tried to show him how to go down backwards on his knees. I thought it was a silly attempt on my part but the little turkey got it! For the next twenty minutes he climbed up the stairs, down the stairs, up two stairs, down two, etc. The only time he got confused was when he reached the landing and had to keep going down the next set of stairs, he had nothing to hold on to so he just went head first and then sorted it out once he had a hold on something. Did I mention he just turned one last week? Yup, he's smart.

While a fun stage, it's also tiring. Mike (my husband) put it well that, to Jackson, everything is a game right now. It seems to us like he's testing us but he's not testing us...he's playing, we're just being tested by our lack of patience (paraphrase). He doesn't know he's pushing our buttons, or disobeying - he did, however, just go for the power button and stop and look back at me today - he's just playing, discovering.

Linden has an appointment with the pediatrician next week. Let me just put it this way...he's on day five of adult doses of adult laxative and he still hardly has soft poop. Any other kid would be nothing short of a fire hose......nevermind, that's rude. I feel so bad for him.

Sometimes I feel like my problems are so small in comparison other peoples. And really, they probably are. I feel like I shouldn't be stressed about things, like I should be able to handle what comes my way, that I shouldn't complain. When I hear about other people's problems I feel bad that I even feel tired or frusterated myself. I am learning, though, that my reality is my reality. Everybody goes through hard times and, yes, the pain and terrible things that some people go through far outweigh the challenges that another person may go through. But in no way at all does that cancel out the person with the lesser issue's stress and pain. It doesn't devalue your situation. So, instead of feeling bad about feeling bad about my situation because of someone else's situation (ya following? :), I can instead see them making it through their struggles and be inspired to do the same.

I apologize to you for my rants and raves lately. When I first started this blog I said in my very first post that I was always going to try to find the positive in things. That's been hard for me lately, speaking truthfully. Someone wrote to me recently and told me to value the hard times, take them in...because then the good times will seem even better. It's hard to remember that when you're lying on the kitchen floor with a 2 year old in your arms screaming cause he's scared to go to the bathroom and the 1 year old is screaming just cause he thinks it's fun. BUT, looking back at that episode from today I see how special it was. My two year old loves me and trusts me to hold him when he's in pain and my one year old thinks that screaming is fun.

Life is hard, but life is sweet. Life is tiring, but it's also so rewarding. I'm taking it all in tonight. The good and the bad. Because I know that the good times are real good if I let them be.

I borrowed "English Grammar for Dummies" from the library. I was a bit worried that my homestay students would think that I brought it home for them because I think they're dummies. They think it's funny that I have a book on learning proper english grammar and I don't think they're dummies. I'm gonna get good at english. I'm learning things I never knew. I'm in the chapter on linking verbs vs. action verbs and tenses of verbs. Did you know that in the latin language verbs have over 120 tenses? Yuck. No offence latin, but I don't want to speak you. English, I will take your six verb tenses and be happy.

Heading to the mainland for a couple of days. We're so excited to be going to the wedding of one of the girls that we had in our youth group for 5 years (I actually think it was longer). She's the gal that if we could have adopted her we would have. The only problem was that there was no problem and she has really awesome parents and they love her a lot and raised her really well. Plus she was already a teenager and it would have been weird if Mike and I, being so young and newly married, adopted a teenager who had no problems and had a great family. Mike has the honour of being the officiant at their wedding ceremony this weekend. So fun. So great to see two really awesome people get married and love God together.

Well, good night friends. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may He give you His peace. Amen.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I like my salad plate.

Welp, it sure seems like my posts have certainly been few and far between lately. I apologize for this - to you, and to me. I love to write and feel like it's somewhat theraputic for me, I know I've said that before, but it really is. It's funny, however, that when life gets stressful we put the things that we need the most on hold until all the crazy stuff settles down. That date night, or taking time to journal or write - I hate journaling by the way - or even spending much needed time with the Lord (I don't hate that!). If I could somehow remind myself that those things would HELP calm the craziness down it would sure be helpful!

Life has been quite the ride for me lately. There are some things that we're needing to iron out around here - and I sometimes have to stop myself from just throwing the iron through the wall. ha. Don't worry, it's not my marriage or my kids... we're having some issues with our students, but for confidentiality purposes I won't talk about it here. I will say that I am starting to realize the importance of doing a life survey every once in a while. Just to check up on how things are going. You know? Ask yourself some questions, see what you can do to make things better or ease the load. I have to admit, I am not a person with a large plate that can hold many things at once. Some people have GIANT plates and seem like they can take on the world. Me.....not so much. My plate is more like a salad plate, and I can't say that I don't like it like that. I like my salad plate.

I was driving today and thought to myself, "huh...haven't seen many eagles or deer lately." Now, for those of you who do not live where I live, these two beautiful creatures are a daily treat to view in my town. I kinda thought it was too bad that they all went away - seeing them usually brightens my day in a lovely way. They point my thoughts to their Creator and I like Him a lot. And thinking about Him is good. I drove home and didn't see any. Then I was out driving again and a thought popped into my mind, perhaps I haven't seen any deer because I haven't been slowing down (to the speed limit I admit) to spot any. Perhaps I haven't seen any eagles because I haven't been looking up. I guess I have had my head in the sand quite a bit lately. Something that is really great about living on Vancouver Island is that the pace of life really can be slower if you allow it to be. You can just drive the plain old speed limit and people just coast along behind you and enjoy the ride. You can slow down and enjoy the drive along the ocean and watch the eagles and seals...and the road of course... I haven't been doing this lately.

I've gotten caught up in just getting tasks done and not enjoying life as it is; enjoying the pleasant moments that are quietly offered for my taking but I avoid as to not 'waste' time. Today, I am thankful for the friendly reminder to slow down and enjoy the view. I did look up. And guess what? The sea food shop along the ocean was feeding the eagles. What a sight!! There must have been 40 bald eagles all feasting and flying through the air. It was so beautiful and such a treat. I slowed down, and so did everyone around me and we all just enjoyed it.

As I write this I am learning a lesson on slowing down and just enjoying a quiet moment. I received a promotion thingy that gave me a free download to a movie (don't worry, I'm not pirating, in no way to I support downloading illegally.) and my 'high speed' internet is currently downloading a 908MB movie at........wait for it....wait for it.....a whopping 120 KB per second. So, I have 2 hours before my movie will be ready for viewing. Instead I'm sipping 'Sleepy Time' tea and happily waiting for it to finish downloading, and I'll watch it another time.

Jackson had his first birthday yesterday. What a turkey. I love him so much. He's into yelling right now. Not bad, yucky yelling, it's actually really funny yelling. It's kind of like he's a car reving the engine. He's so delighted in himself when he does it. We had a fun day. It snowed, so randomly, on his birthday. I had planned a fun walk around the air strip but we ended up walking around Superstore instead. It was still fun though. Today the boys had great naps because they were so wiped out from yesterday. Jackson woke up crying in the monitor. Let me just say that when you can smell it down the hall and down the stairs, you know it's gonna be a major clean up operation. Needless to say, it WAS. You see, he's also into this whole filling-your-diaper-during-your-nap-time thing. He wouldn't even stand up when I came into the room. He just sat there, still, like he was sitting in a mine field - of poop - and one tiny move could cause an explosion. Bless his heart for not moving. Enough said about that. Well, ok...when I plunked him onto the change table he had such a sneaky pleased look on his face, like he had just really proven his diaper filling capabilities. If he can study one day like he.....nevermind. I said enough about that.

[sigh] My tea is kicking in, I'm starting to get sleepy. My movie is 56% downloaded and it's been at it for an hour...so I think I'll just go to bed now. Tonight is the time change, Spring forward this time. For all you parent out there, this is the AWESOME one where your kid sleep in an extra hour cause they don't know you changed the clocks and you trick your mind into not thinking there was a time change at all. Don't worry, I've finally figure this out. When Linden was a baby and it was the 'fall backwards' time change I prepped him all week long leading up to the time change by putting him to bed and hour early. When the time change came and I realized that now he was going to bed at 5PM in the afternoon it wasn't fun. I did it the wrong way. Ha. After that awesome move I worked really hard to understand the time changes so I'd never do that again. Poor kid.

Ramble ramble. Good night friends. Have a deep sleep.
P.S - Linden was singing the national anthem tonight and it went something like this, "Yo Canada, we stand on Arc." That was it. And that was enough to make it the best national anthem ever. Although he doesn't call it the national anthem. He just calls it the hockey song.
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