Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"And May God Bless You!!"

I can't sleep. Mind you, it is 2:21 in the afternoon... but a time where I wish I could be sleeping. I woke up with a migrane this morning and was throwing up for a couple hours (awesome, I know). I'm so thankful Mike was able to be with the boys this morning! At one point before going upstairs to my bed I had to watch Linden for a few minutes while Mike took out the garbage and recycling. I had my bucket beside me and poor Linden witnessed a violent session of puking (mind the terminology used, I felt it was only right to paint the picture:). He came over to me and looked in the bucket and said, "whoa, mommy, how you do that?" ha. I told him my tummy and my head were very sad and he said he'd kiss them better for me. After kissing them he said, "there, all better...now let's play with some toys." I wish I could have!

So now it's nap time and I have my darling two and half year old snoring in my right ear and Chewbakka groaning in my left ear as Mike reconnects with his inner Jedi downstairs watching Star Wars. I have to say though, I'm not frusterated that I can't sleep. Infact, as I lie here in bed I just feel so blessed and happy.

Mike asked me last night as we were driving home to Comox what I'd preach on if I were preaching this Sunday. I didn't really know and said I'd have to think about it. Good answer, huh? Well. I did think about it.

On Saturday, December 26th as we were buying our ticket to get on the ferry I shouted "Merry Christmas!" to the ticket girl as we drove away. Without missing a beat Linden followed shouting "And may God Bless you!" My heart melted. If only she could have heard him! Those five words have had me thinking since then. Linden could care less about what people thought about him in that moment. He just genuinely thought it'd be a good thing if God would bless that lady, so why not shout it out? She may not of heard him, but I know that God heard Linden's wish for the ticket lady and I really do pray that God would bless her.

If I were preaching on sunday I'd talk about being an atmosphere changer. I came into contact this weekend with a few people who when they are around the air gets a little bit lighter. People laugh a little more. They bring out the positive in people. Have you ever hung around a person for a whole day or something and then when you go home you totally catch yourself laughing like they do or using a term they always use? These are generally people who have a contagious laugh, or are just so plain old happy that they rub off on us. They're then ones that when the town floods they pull out their fishing nets and canoes. They're the kid that yells "And may God bless you!" to a random lady.

If I were preaching this Sunday I'd talk about being a person who asks God to always be able to see the opportunities He is always giving us to be an atmosphere changer. Like when you get too much change back at the grocery store...to bring back the extra 30 cents can have a big impact on the person putting it back in the till. Or when an old grumpy person walks by you to look them straight in the eyes and smile and say a cheerful "hello!". Maybe that's all they needed.

I'm not preaching this Sunday. So I think I'll just work on these things for myself. I'd like to be an atmosphere changer. Something we say to Linden when he is having a mini meltdown is that he needs to choose to be happy. I want to choose to be happy a little more often.

So, I wish for you that this year is one filled with Joy and laughter. That you can choose to be happy. That all of your wildest dreams come true and that you invite me to join in the celebration with you. Cause I'll be happy to!

AND, may God Bless YOU!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Christmas Blog.

Well, it's two days before Christmas. I love Christmas. It's also the end of a decade. Wanna feel old? Put your age in decades. ha. Thankfully I've only lived through 2.5 decades thus far so I still feel young. I know one person who is heading into his 3rd decade this coming year. I won't tell you who though, because he might make me sleep on the couch.

All over the news people are saying it's been the worst first-decade-of-a-new-millenium ever. I'd like to ask those people how they know that, but I won't really be interested in their answer unless they are a centenarian. *side note: when I first spelled centenarian I spelled it centurian, I suppose I'd also be interested in their answer.* I guess looking back there were some pretty interesting and devestating events and happenings that took place, and I don't wish to undermine the terrible tragedies that did take place. However, for me, it was a pretty darn good decade. I graduated from the seemingly endless career of highschool. Since it has been my only career thus far I can't write it off completely as a waste of time. I went skydiving. Oh, and I got me an awesome man to marry and two awesome kids who never cease to amaze me. I'd say the latter sentence was the highlight.

I'm so thankful for life. I'm so thankful for Jesus. I'm so thankful for the opportunity He gave us to live this life for Him. Some people may say that Christmas time reduces Jesus to a commercial marketing scheme. While to some degree this may be true, I love the Christmas season because somehow there is just something joyful in the air. Even in shopping line-ups and stopped at red lights, you can see people bobbing their heads...probably humming a Christmas carol in their heads. If you're not sure though, don't ask..cause it may be bobbing due to too much caffine, or an overwhelming awareness of how much their bill is going to come to. I like to think though that in their head they are singing Mariah Carey's All I want for Christmas is You.

I think Jesus likes to celebrate His birthday.  Maybe God likes to celebrate Jesus' birthday too. Maybe that's what it is that's in the air. Maybe they get jolly with Christmas spirit and make the air thick and rich with joy and peace, giving everyone the chance to reach up and grab some cheer. Maybe it's not Walmarts cheap prices and the hope that we may get spoiled this year with gifts. Perhaps the thickness and richness of the air is not something WE create. Perhaps it's created by the one who came. Could it be that nothing has changed except our focus? I wonder if that same thickness and richness was there in the air the night that Jesus was born. I'm pretty sure it was. Infact, I think that it was so thick and so rich that even the people who were desparately trying to avoid it had to wipe the rain drops of anticipation and joy off their faces.

Enjoy Christmas. Enjoy Jesus. Celebrate Christmas. Celebrate Jesus. Eat. Open presents. Play games. Enjoy family. Enjoy time off. Find things to be thankful for. Enjoy the snow even. Most of all, make sure you remember to thank Jesus for being born, even if it wasn't exactly on December 25th. Reach up and grab some cheer!

Ho, Ho, Ho!

*ahem, good thing I previewed this cause as I was reading over it I realized that even Centenarians weren't around for the beginning of the last millenium. So, in that case, I am most interested in what the Centurian has to say. I thought I'd just add this in instead of editing it so you could feel free to have a laugh at me. Not offended if you do.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I love dogs, but not that much.

Pick up after your dog. End of story.

This completes my blog post for tonight.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Everlovin' lattes.

Hi. I'm drinking an Eggnog Latte.

Many of you are aware of our questions about allergies and other such things with Linden over the past few months. Many of you may not be. To give you the summary in 25 words: Linden has been constipated since we started him on formula. Since Septmeber he's been off everything from wheat to dairy to sugar...and on a bunch of supplements to help him poo. (I think that's around 30 words) Let me keep going a bit. We've slowly introduced everything back into his diet and once he's been back on wheat for a few more weeks he'll be tested for celiacs. It's been a terribly confusing time for me and at times frusterating. It's hard to find the balance between GP and ND. I could go on for pages about all of this...but I'll just say that God is so good and He has given Mike and I patience and peace about it all. And, I don't think it's Celiacs.

Anyways, I've adjusted to life with a 2 year old off everything. God gives special grace to kids I think. Linden has been a wonder boy through it all. Now, to the part about me. The ND that Linden saw suggested that I am the one with allergies and could be passing them on to my babies while pregnant with them. At first I thought this was crazy because my throat isn't closing up and my body isn't breaking out in rashes. BUT I wanted to make sure that it wasn't the case because I'd rather be able to say I did something to check then find out later I could have done something about it sooner. ?...that was confusing. Being totally honest, I'm tired. I just want answers about Linden. I want him to poo. I want him to gain weight - actually, he has now gained 2 lbs so that's good. I want to have energy. I want to KNOW that I've done everything I can to provide the healthiest lifestyle for my children. And part of providing that for my children is taking care of me.

I went to Langley to see a friend for some personal care and she offered me, so generously I add, a blood allergy test. I felt so loved and cared for. I have been waiting for the results and wondering what I'll do with them. Today I got the email. You wanna know? I'm afraid if I tell you I'll have to be accountable to you and in some small way that scares me. Oh well. I'll tell. Here it goes. Highly reactive: almonds, peanuts, casein, cow's milk, eggs(yolk and white), garlic, rye, soy, spelt, wheat(gluten and gliadin), yoghurt. Moderately: cheese, cottage cheese, goat's milk (blah!), cranberries and sesame.

It was suggested that I go off the above for 3 months and then I'll possibly be able to start re-introducing after that. Like I said, these are not allergies that are causing external reactions. My guess is they are more effecting my energy levels (which I said I wanted more of), and possibly emotions. Here's where the inner battle comes in. I'm not dying. But I want to care for myself. But it's Christmas! Do I cut this stuff out cold turkey and miss out on all the festive snacks? Do I care about my body enough to do that? Or is that too unrealistic of a goal and would I just be setting myself up for guilt and disappointment when I do 'sneak' a treat? I'm worried that if I don't adjust anything in my diet now with this information that Christmas will go by and so will the next month and the next, only dulling what is currently at the forefront of my mind. I feel ready to chop it all out of my diet. But I haven't been to a Christmas party yet. *smile*.... *sigh*....... *yawn*......

I am so thankful for the smart man I married. Here's what he told me. Change my eating habits when I can control it. Meaning, when I am preparing the food I can cut out all that is on the list above. But, over Christmas don't feel guilty when I'm at a party and all there is to eat are President's Choice breaded appetizers. Then come January we'll have a solid 3 months that I can give to cut out everything completely.

So...I just finished my last eggnog latte for the season. Unfortunately, I am in control of the drinks I choose at Starbucks and will thus be giving up the everlovin' lattes for the time being.

I have to say that even though I know there will be some challenges ahead, I feel so blessed and excited about this next season. I look forward to the challenge. And once I get this going, I plan on being completely devoted. Until then, I will control what I can, and certainly ENJOY the treats that others serve me!

God Bless One and All.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TOYS!!, LIGHTS!!, and the lack thereof...

I wanted to write yesterday about my day on Sunday...but I needed the full day to recover. What a day.

Sunday: a day of rest, set aside for worship and thanksgiving. A day to be with family, and also to join with others in fellowship. This past Sunday was one of fellowship, but also of complete chaos. There was silver lining, of course, outlining the chaos. Let me tell you about it.

It began with church. Well, it should have, but I opted to stay home with Jackson because if I did everything that day I'd prolly not be able to walk by the end of it (still have some post pregnancy issues). After church Mike and the girls and Linden came home and I fed them lunch. Then it was off to St. Joseph's Hospital where Mike and I were leading the residents Christmas service. We walked in and Linden saw all the wheelchairs and yelled "TOYS!!!!" haha...he must have thought they were fun ride on machines. I botched up the chords so badly on the Christmas Carols it must have been dreadful to listen to. After I was done massacre-ing what little was left of the carols I had started out with, Linden came and joined me and we sang Jingle Bells together. He did so good. The old folks loved it and I have to say I was pretty proud of the little guy myself. Mike shared a great little message and managed to keep going while Linden ran around disrupting everything.

After the service it was straight to our students school where there was an open-house-meet-the-teachers-kinda-thing. They did a really good job and their teachers are very proud of them.

Home for naps. 4:30PM is never really a good time for anyone to start a nap, but we had to put the boys down because our day was only half done. At 5:30 we woke them up, bundled them up, packed them up and drove out to Cumberland with some friends to watch the "Cumberland Lights Parade". Arriving at 6:30 we made it just on time. The parade starts at 7? oh. ok. We waited in the freezing cold until 7 o'clock came........and went. Linden was crying so hard that even the million friends of his that had also shown up to watch the parade couldn't make him happy. My poor kids were turning into popsicles. Turns out one of the trucks had a flat tire. We left. We left at 7:25 because the parade had not yet started and we were starting to be a bit of a spectacle ourselves. Linden cried all the way home, or...at least until we got to MacDonalds. The french fries calmed him down and when we got home, Linden got to have a cheeseburger.

This may seem small and insignificant to some, but for Linden this was HUGE. He hasn't had any wheat since September and I was going to let him eat the whole burger, bun included. It was SO fun to watch him savor every bite. His first bite was priceless. Grasping the burger with both hands he didn't wait to look where he was going to bite, he just chomped right in. He was sooooo happy. And so was I. "mmmmmm, this is so delicious mommy, I love this!" He said with ketchup around the edges of his little mouth. "Mai (when he's excited he shortens Mommy and daddy to Mai and Dai respectively), do wanna share?" He leaned over and gave me a bite of his cheeseburger then said, "hmm...(sigh)...nice sharing."

I feel so blessed to have my boys. Speaking of little boys, I should probably go because my baby is attacking a giant, glittery Christmas ornament and Linden just sneezed into his hands like only a 2 year old can...

Oh today...what memories will we make today....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Jesus, canna help me find my Loader?"

A couple weeks ago I headed off to Langley with the boys to visit family and friends. We had a marvellous time. Linden is at the age when seeing grandparents is probably the most exciting thing possible. *not that seeing grandparents will ever cease to be exciting...because grandparents RULE. It's just SUPER exciting now...not that it won't be super exciting later...you know what I'm trying to say* He got to bring along his shiny new front loader to show Far-far ('father's-father in swedish, that being Mike's dad). This was especially exciting.

After a wonderful few days with everyone it was time to pack up and head back to Comox. A couple days after arriving home Linden, the darling little boy, asked me, "hey, mom, where's my little loader? I lost my little loader!" I did it. I left Linden's little loader in Langley. Let me explain a little about how important this little loader is. You see, Mike's dad drives a dump truck and also works on heavy machinery at their home. So every time Linden goes to Langley he gets to have a ride on the huge machine of his choice. Basically a little boy's heaven. Tractors, loaders, graders, dump trucks, the choice is his. Linden is in love with all of these machines and talks 'tractor talk' all day long, everyday. So the fact that his little loader was missing was a big deal. Now, he's not the boy to throw a fit and just scream and cry about it and then forget after a day. I think I could deal with that. He's the little boy that will ask so sweetly and quietly, "mommy, canna help me find my little loader?"... my heart was breaking for the poor kid. Day after day he kept saying he lost his little loader.

One night, Mike said to Linden that maybe they should pray that Jesus would help him find it because Jesus knows where it is. So Linden prayed, "Jesus, canna help me find my little loader?" that was it. Simple, and to the point. I called my mom with an idea of where it could be and sure enough, there it was. So into the mail it went. Last night, I went to check the mail. The little loader had arrived! I sat Linden on Mike's lap and together they recalled praying to Jesus. Then Mike said that Jesus found the loader and Linden's eyes lit up in a way that only a child's can. He understood. "Jesus found my LOADER!!!" We opened up the package and not only was there the little loader, there was also a little John Deer tractor. Thanks mom! Basically Linden has not let them out of his site since then. They sat beside his bed as he slept. Before I even had a chance to turn on the light in his room this morning he was jumping on his bed saying, "my loader! my tractor!"

My heart has mended and is happy.

I am reminded today that the little joys in life are often bigger than they seem.

Here's some pictures of the moment:

TIME ELAPSE: Not even 2 hours after writing this post I stepped on the little loader and broke it. Oh, and that thing about Linden not being the kid that screams and cries about it? Well, that made him cry. So tomorrow you will find me at Whale Tales toy store, buying Linden a new loader. After all that.
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