Friday, December 11, 2009

Everlovin' lattes.

Hi. I'm drinking an Eggnog Latte.

Many of you are aware of our questions about allergies and other such things with Linden over the past few months. Many of you may not be. To give you the summary in 25 words: Linden has been constipated since we started him on formula. Since Septmeber he's been off everything from wheat to dairy to sugar...and on a bunch of supplements to help him poo. (I think that's around 30 words) Let me keep going a bit. We've slowly introduced everything back into his diet and once he's been back on wheat for a few more weeks he'll be tested for celiacs. It's been a terribly confusing time for me and at times frusterating. It's hard to find the balance between GP and ND. I could go on for pages about all of this...but I'll just say that God is so good and He has given Mike and I patience and peace about it all. And, I don't think it's Celiacs.

Anyways, I've adjusted to life with a 2 year old off everything. God gives special grace to kids I think. Linden has been a wonder boy through it all. Now, to the part about me. The ND that Linden saw suggested that I am the one with allergies and could be passing them on to my babies while pregnant with them. At first I thought this was crazy because my throat isn't closing up and my body isn't breaking out in rashes. BUT I wanted to make sure that it wasn't the case because I'd rather be able to say I did something to check then find out later I could have done something about it sooner. ?...that was confusing. Being totally honest, I'm tired. I just want answers about Linden. I want him to poo. I want him to gain weight - actually, he has now gained 2 lbs so that's good. I want to have energy. I want to KNOW that I've done everything I can to provide the healthiest lifestyle for my children. And part of providing that for my children is taking care of me.

I went to Langley to see a friend for some personal care and she offered me, so generously I add, a blood allergy test. I felt so loved and cared for. I have been waiting for the results and wondering what I'll do with them. Today I got the email. You wanna know? I'm afraid if I tell you I'll have to be accountable to you and in some small way that scares me. Oh well. I'll tell. Here it goes. Highly reactive: almonds, peanuts, casein, cow's milk, eggs(yolk and white), garlic, rye, soy, spelt, wheat(gluten and gliadin), yoghurt. Moderately: cheese, cottage cheese, goat's milk (blah!), cranberries and sesame.

It was suggested that I go off the above for 3 months and then I'll possibly be able to start re-introducing after that. Like I said, these are not allergies that are causing external reactions. My guess is they are more effecting my energy levels (which I said I wanted more of), and possibly emotions. Here's where the inner battle comes in. I'm not dying. But I want to care for myself. But it's Christmas! Do I cut this stuff out cold turkey and miss out on all the festive snacks? Do I care about my body enough to do that? Or is that too unrealistic of a goal and would I just be setting myself up for guilt and disappointment when I do 'sneak' a treat? I'm worried that if I don't adjust anything in my diet now with this information that Christmas will go by and so will the next month and the next, only dulling what is currently at the forefront of my mind. I feel ready to chop it all out of my diet. But I haven't been to a Christmas party yet. *smile*.... *sigh*....... *yawn*......

I am so thankful for the smart man I married. Here's what he told me. Change my eating habits when I can control it. Meaning, when I am preparing the food I can cut out all that is on the list above. But, over Christmas don't feel guilty when I'm at a party and all there is to eat are President's Choice breaded appetizers. Then come January we'll have a solid 3 months that I can give to cut out everything completely.

So...I just finished my last eggnog latte for the season. Unfortunately, I am in control of the drinks I choose at Starbucks and will thus be giving up the everlovin' lattes for the time being.

I have to say that even though I know there will be some challenges ahead, I feel so blessed and excited about this next season. I look forward to the challenge. And once I get this going, I plan on being completely devoted. Until then, I will control what I can, and certainly ENJOY the treats that others serve me!

God Bless One and All.


  1. I was going to say exactly what Mike said. I think its important that you don't worry about it, over Christmas especially, because when you are stressed about it, it makes it so much worse. And a lot of those things are things that would typically come up on a blood allergy test for most people, as they are highly reactive foods and if eaten in large amounts would affect each of us in some way, even if maybe we don't necessarily notice it. Hope that you are able to feel good about it all! Love you!

  2. You are adorable! Lovely writing, and good logic. LOVE the truth you dare speak! I won't be out and about much over the holidays, but I think I'll adopt your standards, and go back to eating for energy and peace after you kids go back home!

  3. I tried to leave a second comment.......didn't work....trying again.

    the ND would be a quack if what he thought about you was wrong, when he never met ya. but he was right. interesting. I would think it interesting if Linden had the same testing as you. and Jackson. and mike

  4. Oh Laura! (hey, it's Tracy Rahn-Rubuliak....surprise! I read your blog!! :P) I have soooo been there....sounds exactly like what we wnet through with Ruby when she was younger....same thing....constipated for like a year! (needless to say I think supository and enima could have been a couple of her first words!!) we ended up doing the nautropath thing too (the office in langley on 64th with the green aunings, across from the bingo hall...yeah, that one.) we did the whole supliment thing, cutting out the foods that showed up on her sensitivity test, and the no wheat, no dairy no sugar for like 6 months....yeah, that was a bit brutal. BUT (oh the wonderful "but"), she totally got better....her sweet little gut functions perfectly now....we introduced everything back into her diet slowly, and she's goo dto go (still drinks soy milk cause she's so used to it, but hey, I'm good with that!) I pray that you guys start getting some answers soon, and get that little man a-poopin'!


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