Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Jesus, canna help me find my Loader?"

A couple weeks ago I headed off to Langley with the boys to visit family and friends. We had a marvellous time. Linden is at the age when seeing grandparents is probably the most exciting thing possible. *not that seeing grandparents will ever cease to be exciting...because grandparents RULE. It's just SUPER exciting now...not that it won't be super exciting know what I'm trying to say* He got to bring along his shiny new front loader to show Far-far ('father's-father in swedish, that being Mike's dad). This was especially exciting.

After a wonderful few days with everyone it was time to pack up and head back to Comox. A couple days after arriving home Linden, the darling little boy, asked me, "hey, mom, where's my little loader? I lost my little loader!" I did it. I left Linden's little loader in Langley. Let me explain a little about how important this little loader is. You see, Mike's dad drives a dump truck and also works on heavy machinery at their home. So every time Linden goes to Langley he gets to have a ride on the huge machine of his choice. Basically a little boy's heaven. Tractors, loaders, graders, dump trucks, the choice is his. Linden is in love with all of these machines and talks 'tractor talk' all day long, everyday. So the fact that his little loader was missing was a big deal. Now, he's not the boy to throw a fit and just scream and cry about it and then forget after a day. I think I could deal with that. He's the little boy that will ask so sweetly and quietly, "mommy, canna help me find my little loader?"... my heart was breaking for the poor kid. Day after day he kept saying he lost his little loader.

One night, Mike said to Linden that maybe they should pray that Jesus would help him find it because Jesus knows where it is. So Linden prayed, "Jesus, canna help me find my little loader?" that was it. Simple, and to the point. I called my mom with an idea of where it could be and sure enough, there it was. So into the mail it went. Last night, I went to check the mail. The little loader had arrived! I sat Linden on Mike's lap and together they recalled praying to Jesus. Then Mike said that Jesus found the loader and Linden's eyes lit up in a way that only a child's can. He understood. "Jesus found my LOADER!!!" We opened up the package and not only was there the little loader, there was also a little John Deer tractor. Thanks mom! Basically Linden has not let them out of his site since then. They sat beside his bed as he slept. Before I even had a chance to turn on the light in his room this morning he was jumping on his bed saying, "my loader! my tractor!"

My heart has mended and is happy.

I am reminded today that the little joys in life are often bigger than they seem.

Here's some pictures of the moment:

TIME ELAPSE: Not even 2 hours after writing this post I stepped on the little loader and broke it. Oh, and that thing about Linden not being the kid that screams and cries about it? Well, that made him cry. So tomorrow you will find me at Whale Tales toy store, buying Linden a new loader. After all that.


  1. So sweet Laura! Stories like these will be so fun to look back on down the road! And I'm sure that litte loader wasn't the most cushy thing to step on - ouch! Were you able to find an exact little loader #2?

  2. oh LIFE is such a mystery! What a gift of writing you have Laura, and the simple truths of teaching children that Jesus cares came across the miles and melted my heart. thanks Laura!

  3. OH MY GOSH! That is HILARIOUS. I'm sorry, probably not so funny for little Linden. But you put so much effort into this loader and then broke it. Gotta find the humor :)


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