Wednesday, November 25, 2009

theblogofallblogs.'s taken me a majorly long time to get this started, but here it is. A blog. I will blog. I can blog.

I've had about a million different topics run through my head as I've thought of what my FIRST EVER blog post could be about. Weight, kids, marriage, weather, bunnies, cars, wrestling...the list really is endless. I want maximum impact. I want to light the internet on fire - of course not literally because really, how would you even do that? - with my blog. What FIRST EVER blog post could ever live up to that expectation?

Instead, I figured it's best to start small. So, today I will be sharing my goals for writing on here. What it may look like, what it may not look like.

Let's start with the title of my page. "The Little Momma that Could - I think I can... I think I can" I have to give the credit for my title to whoever wrote the story of the Little Engine that Could. Without you, well, I'd still be sitting wondering, "what will I name my blog?". So, thanks. For those of you who don't know the story line to this popular American childrens story; it is a story of overcoming obstacles by keeping a positive attitude. I have to say that there are a lot of times in my life where I need to just say to myself, "Laura, pull yourself together. Just do it" (I would also like to credit Nike for this motivational slogan). Finding a positive attitude can be tough sometimes. Especially because it's your choice. And really? Sometimes it's just easier to be annoyed.

Goal number #1? Be real, honest, and still....find the positive.

Goal #2: Share some funny stuff that happens. Having two small children, and yes....a funny husband, makes for some times where all I can do is laugh. Sometimes I'm laughing because it's so funny I can't stop. Sometimes I laugh because I'm so overwhelmed with life that to cry would take too much energy. But most times I'm laughing because I like my life.

Goal #3: Become the Martha Stewart of the blog world. All I want is the recognition, fame and fortune that comes with writing a blog. I don't have much gifting in the area of baking, crafts, arts and such. But I sure can do a really good job of finding recipes online, and albeit, you'll find them on here. I think that if I apply myself and work really hard I can find enough recipes (that others wrote) to become the one stop shop for all your homemaking needs.

Goal #4: To show that I most certainly am not an online Martha but sometimes do indeed find something yummy and will share it with  you. The recognition, fame and fortune would still kinda be a plus though.

Goal #5: To have this take the place of the journal that I never write in. I don't like my printing. And I can type a whole lot faster than I can print. So, you may find some entries in here that show where I'm really at. What's going on in my life. What's good. What's bad. What's changing. What should be changing.

Well, I think those are enough goals to get me going. Perhaps I should have just started with one and taken 'baby steps' to writing and accomplishing the rest of them. But just like anyother go-getter on January 1st, this is my cyber 'new years resolution'.

Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Oh...and good blog, by the way. Basically you're the blogging sensation of my world.

  2. Yeah Laura! i love reading REAL blogs...not just the fluff of life. And awsome food ideas as well. Like you said "one stop shop :)"

  3. Way to go you accomplished your goal of starting your blog!! This is awesome!!!! God Bless you Laura!!!

  4. I love writing my blog, I feel free to say things and talk about things that I might not otherwise talk about in person and it's refreshing. Good for you for starting one! You've got a little competition going on over here! lol Just kidding of course! :o)

  5. I love it! Your heart and your page design in lovely. :) I know you can, i know you can.

  6. So excited you have joined us in this cyber journalling experience!

  7. Laura, your writing is filled with witt and humor and I am looking forward to reading about all your adventures.
    Welcome to blog land!


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