Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday Mornin... Sunday Morninnnnnnnnn...

My title was supposed to sound like a song, but it didn't work to well.. can you guess which song? Just for fun?


I woke up yesterday morning at 7 am. Our church service starts at 10am, and every week I think to myself that I have plenty of time to get myself and my two little boys there on time. My younger son slept in until almost 8:30 so I used that time to get my face on and decide what I'll wear - believe it or not, that can sometimes take a long time as I'm not the most fashion savvy gal out there. Before I knew it the time was 9am and I had myself ready - though not dressed yet because that's just a bad idea to wear your Sunday best an hour before church starts when you have boys - and I had clean clothes pulled out for the kids, socks included. I even had an idea of where their shoes might be located. That was just an idea, though... All that was left to do was get breakfast for me and my slumber king who slept in, dress the whole lot of us and then whip up a quick salad for our church potluck. I had an hour. Thought that was pretty good.

Breakfast, 20 minutes.
Get dressed, 3 minutes.
Dress slumber king, 5 minutes (he's wiggly)

9:28, still doing pretty good.

As I was getting Jackson dressed my older child did a very timely BM and needed cleansing. While I was cleaning him up, Jackson ran into my bathroom and grabbed my toilet brush and it's carrying pot thingy... pulled out the brush and dumped whatever evil was in the carrying pot thingy all over the ONLY pair of nice pants he has that fit him. I'm pretty sure they're ruined. Now I have one poopy child lying on MY bed and one pouring pure evil all over himself. The question that didn't even have time to cross my mind was, "which child do I help first?" If I stay with Linden, Jack could get hurt cause there was probably bleach in that carrying pot thingy. If I leave Linden and help Jack I get poop on my bed. I chose the latter because, well, bleach. Now my boys weren't going to coordinate their clothes, not that they cared, and Jackson had to wear ankle biters to church.

Time? 10am..

I got the boys in their carseats and promised I'd come back in a minute or two. I still had to make my salad. Pulled out everything I needed and started making the dressing. No olive oil. No salad. I decided that we'd have to be the family that shows up to a potluck empty handed today.

By the time we got to church it was 10:20 and I was spent. Thankfully, we had a beautiful missionary couple visiting our service, some good friends of ours. It was such a delight to hear their update and see the video of the work they're doing in India. I was quickly reminded that all of my complaining is so unnecessary and a little poop on my sheets and toilet brush juice on my son's nice pants is not the end of the world. I just wish I could laugh more in the moment then after the moment. There was even plenty of food at the potluck and I got to catch up for a few minutes with my missionary friend.

Good morning? You bet. Sometimes there are plenty of reasons to keep us from joining in the fellowship of our friends and loved ones. Sometimes you just gotta get there. No matter what. I'm so glad I did.

Blessed, Laura


  1. Erik salutes your gift of writing......... I'm laughing and enjoying this journey of yours, Laura! you GO girl!

  2. Oh Laura, lol...
    Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely LOVE your blog?

    I'm glad to hear you were able to enjoy your day, despite the poopiness and pure evil.

    And the Emmanuels certainly have a way of putting life in perspective, don't they? I'm always reminded of my priorities after hanging out with them...

    All the best,


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