Friday, July 9, 2010

I don't have much time here cause my boys are both starting to wake up from their naps.........

And update on this little momma that can:

I potty trained Linden last week. He turned three in June and I still had no plan of potty training him until his bowels are functioning like they should. They're not yet, but Linden all of a sudden started saying things like "Mom, I don't want you to change my diaper, I like my diaper" and other such scary sentences. I figured that this had to be the ultimate sign of 'ready' of perhaps beyond ready and a potential missed opportunity. Deciding quite quickly and not giving much time for me to talk myself out of it I started telling my mommy friends that the following week it would be done. I had to tell as many people as I could so I wouldn't back down.

Welp, I can tell you that the first two days were very, very challenging. Linden went potty upwards of 40 times. Each. Day. He was just so nervous and excited. Plus, the chocolate covered raisins create much more of a sugar high when you eat 40 in one day rather than 5 or 6. I think he enjoyed that part too. By Wednesday the nerves wore off and Linden really started to get the hang of it. Thursday we thought we'd try and venture out to our Canada parade and see how he did. We stopped for the potty while walking to and from the parade from our car and besides that he was totally dry. No nothin! Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that Linden officially 'day' potty trained (and ALMOST nighttime too if I may add)!!

Jackson. Oh my Jack, I wish everyone could observe Jackson when he is home and playing. He really is one of the funniest 16 month old kids I've ever seen. He is so smart, doesn't talk much, but he knows what he wants and he can find a way to tell you. One of the things that he can say is "I did it!!" It actually sounds more like "I diddahhh!" and he truly has the best timing when saying it. A couple of examples for you. The other day he threw a sippy cup down the stairs and the lid flew off spilling water everywhere. "I diddaahhh!" Jackson shouted. Another day he picked up a step stool and threw it across the room (yes, a step stool). "I diddaahhh!" Jackson proudly shouted. The best yet though was a couple days ago when my little man somehow got up into the garden without us seeing and pulled out the little basil that we had growing. "I diddaahhh!" Jackson proclaimed to the rest of us. I love him. He has a good sense of self-appreciation and affirmation I do think. We'll miss our basil, but I'd say it was worth the moment.

If I may say, take a little encouragement from Jack. Say, "I did it!!" to yourself MANY times today, and trust'll make you feel awesome.

Basically this weekend is going to be awesome. It's Mike's 30th birthday tomorrow. We will celebrate! I think there will be chocolate cake records made here in the Bidell household this weekend. Not going to say who will break cake eating records, I just hope it's Mike and not me...sorta. If it does happen to be me I will notes from Jackson and say I did it! If I get sick from eating too much cake I'll be saying "Why did I do it?!!"

Update on my last post about the "Shredding" DVD I was starting, I loved it. But then I had to stop (doctors orders) because of some joint issues...but I can tell you that I was actually really sad I had to stop and have been on my eliptacle almost everyday since. I am loving exercise for the first time in my life and actually look forward to it daily. If you are wondering to yourself right now, "where am I? who's blog am I reading?" don't be afraid, it's still me. I just am getting all grown up I guess. They say that the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. I turn 25 in a couple weeks and I guess the exercise part of my brain took twenty-five years to develop. HA!

Kids are both up. I must go. By all!


  1. Laura - I miss you!!!! Great post - so happy for you that Linden potty trained so well. We have wanted to start trying, but Landy is so not interested and he is not the kind of kid you can push because that will just make it worse. So, we may not be able to send him to preschool in Sept anymore, but I still have a bit of hope that we may get it done! We'll see. Anyways, wish Mike a "Happy Birthday" for us!


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