Saturday, June 26, 2010

What a week!

We said goodbye to our student from Korea on Monday. We are going to miss him a lot. He brought us so much laughter and entertainment, he was an all around good kid.

Tuesday we had three boys come and stay overnight so their parents could have a break. They were angels and actually played quite nicely with Linden so I enjoyed having them. Busy, but fun. It was crazy to think that my boys are going to be 10 and 7 sooner than I think. 10 year olds are pretty smart. So are 7 year olds. Now that I think of it, so are 3 year olds. Linden is super smart. I wonder what he'll know when he's 10. Probably everything.

As mentioned in my last entry, I've started Jillian Michael's "The 30 day Shred" DVD along with some girlfriends of mine. The first week was amazing. I LOVED it! Seriously... I felt so good, I had amazing energy afterwards and was using my evenings to get stuff done instead of crash. A week after starting my knees and ankles started to hurt real bad (said like Napoleon Dynamite). I sound like I'm old or something. One of the doctors at my doctor's office is a sports medicine guy, so I thought I'd just talk to him and see what was up. I really didn't want to have to stop my daily workouts, but it was getting too painful. Welp, I saw my doc.

Oh ya, I'll just mention that five minutes before I was going to put the boys in the van to head out for my appointment I put Jacksons shoes on. You're probably thinking, "ya, Laura, most people put shoes on their kids five minutes before they leave." You're right. But that wasn't the point. The point was that he was in his bedroom when I put them on. And then he fell down the stairs. All of them. Top to bottom. He's so tough, thankfully he wasn't injured. He only cried until I could get his blanket in his hands. Sweet kid. If my kids had a loonie for every catastrophe that happened while trying to leave the house they'd be rich. (I had a typo there that said "they'd be Rick". haha, just throught I'd share that)

Anyways, my knees are just 'mad' at me for going from zero to sixty in one day. You see, there are consequences for doing no physical activity for a long time. My knees are mad at me. Also, I found out I have tendonitus in my ankles. That's not fun. But I have lived with that in my shoulders for a long time so I know how to deal with it more-or-less. So...I have to stop my workout DVD until I strengthen the muscles in my knees. I'm on my eliptical now and doing strengthening exercises for my knees. Still enjoying the workout.

I have to say, I have enjoyed exercising for the last few weeks. It's been a long time since I could say that. I'd love for this to be something that carries on. I'm going to let it.

Yesterday was our fifth wedding anniversary. I love my husband. He brought me Starbucks in bed and we shared a cupcake.

Have a great weekend friends. It's 9:10PM and I think I might go to bed now. zzzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. ... oh dear. You're thinking you're OLD??? Oh dear. You will always be young to me *grin* ...



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