Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Poke me with a needle. Take my blood. I can handle it. Stick a baby in me then tell me to push it out. Fine. I can do that. Drop a clothing iron on my foot (not hot please) - No problem. I can deal with that. I can deal with all of that because it's pain that I can feel. Pain that I can rationalize as temporary, pain that will soon go away. The kind of pain I don't like is the pain I can't feel. Pain that someone else feels. I don't like that kind of pain. I can't control that pain, I can't rationalize and think through that pain and tell it to go away. Even if it really is going to go away soon for whoever is experiencing it, because I can't do anything about it I don't like it. BLAH.

Today I took Linden for his blood work. That is the pain I'm talking about. The pain is done and my Linden was a champion. He sat so still, even as he screamed and cried about the pain of the needle, he leaned into me and held strong. What a guy. He was being tested for some things that may be causing his constipation and lack of weight gain. I'm praying that it all comes up negative of course, but even having that response would feel like some sort of an answer. I wasn't looking forward to today, but at the same time I'm so thankful for today. I wasn't looking forward to today because what mom likes to drive to the lab with their child knowing that they are about to seem like the one inflicting pain on their child for reasons the child doesn't understand? But, I was looking forward to today because it'd finally be done. One poke could give many answers.

I don't worry about Linden. I know that he is a healthy boy. I know that it is probably something he'll grow out of, that it's nothing. I heard a doctor say one time that it's always best to assume the worst with a child, that way you know that you took every measure possible to protect and help them. I am not afraid that Linden will have the worst case scenario, but I am taking every measure to make sure it's not that. Why not? We pay loads of money for the incredible medical care that is available to us, why not take advantage of it? My son is worth it. Plus, he got a little blue airplane, two stickers and icecream out of it so he's happy too.

I'm getting my hair cut on Friday. When you have a short hair cut it's a whole lot more noticable when a spot of hair grows faster than another. I have a rat tail growing out my neck because one spot on my head likes to grow faster than the rest. Ha. Just call me 'gussy' (said with a lisp, like the mouse from Cinderella).

Off to change the laundry, get my baby up from his nap, make a bottle, clean the kitchen, attack my bathroom with strong and potentially dangerous chemicals, put my baby back down for another nap, pack, pack, and pack some more. Don't worry, my baby won't be around the strong and potentially dangerous chemicals. He will be in the bath tub in the other bathroom. And don't worry, there won't be water in the tub. He likes to play in there better than in his playpen....

Ta ta for now!


  1. Glad it wasn't me taking the blood. It's always so sad taking it from the little ones :( Hope all is well, and enjoy your trip.

  2. Hi Laura - I found your blog thru. Tania's and I've read a couple of your posts re. your little guy being constipated. Since you haven't put all the poop issues up you've probably already done this but I thought I would share with you our poop story in case the doctors haven't done the following. My one little guy was completely constipated just b/f one (and after) - he would scream in pain whenever he had to go. I took him to a pediatrician in Langley and he put him on a super strong laxative. He said that the problem with most kids is that the dose isn't strong enough so it doesn't get them going and then when the med. does work it is then stoped too quickly. What's happened (at least in our case)is that our little guys anus was stretched out (every time he pooped the pain was equal to labor) and needed time to shrink back to normal so he was put on a high dose of laxative (we had poop coming out of everywhere, liquid yuck) and we slowley weaned him off of it over six months. In that time he started to eat (was 19 lbs at one and hadn't gained in 3-4 months) and gain weight. He still isn't big at six but he hasn't been constipated since - even when toilet training. Anyhow, I don't mean to stick my nose in your business but constipation is not fun - talk to your dr. if you haven't tried prescription laxatives. Oh - just so you know I'm not a complete wacko I'm Amanada Frolicks (hauser) cuz. take care - Yvonne


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