Monday, January 11, 2010

I think I can, I think I can.

Yesterday Linden pee'd on the floor twice, and on a chair once. I know that he is in his 'prime' to potty train right now. He will say things like "here comes the pee-pee" that will be followed by a cute little pee shiver. Love the shiver. Today, again, it's been at least twice on the floor. Add on top of that a 10 month old who still spits up and now he likes to slide around in it and you've got one dirty floor. I need to bend at the knees more otherwise I fear I'll turn into one of those wooden dolls on those pack pain commercials.

I've got my reasons for not going full out into potty training mode with Linden...and believe it or not, the aforementioned pee on the floor is not one of the reasons. See, Linden is almost always constipated. (ok, a shameless poo talk coming up. I am going to talk about poo. You can make this like a choose-your-own-ending and skip to the next paragraph if you so desire) If I let Linden go through the day without wearing a diaper he will go pee on the potty - hence the word 'prime' used above. However, he won't go poo if he's not wearing a diaper. Not because he's stubborn, the poor kid just has poo issues. So right now if that's the only place he'll 'go'.....I think I'll take the having two kids in diapers for a bit longer until Linden's intestinal track gets sorted. So am I a bad mom because my kid is 2.5 and no where near being potty trained? Well, that's all a matter of perspective. *wink*

 BTW - I don't think I'm a bad mom. I actually know I'm not a bad mom. Even good moms get frusterated when they step in a puddle of pee.

It's on days like today where Friday seems like it's taking forever to get here. It's ONLY Monday? I'm pretty sure that Jackson is in the midst of popping out 18 teeth. At least that's what his behavior is telling me. Sure glad that teething is something that we don't remember as we grow older.

*Sigh* Enough complaining. So, why is Friday my magical day that just can't come soon enough? WELP, on friday we're heading to Langley. And if that isn't cool enough, we're heading to Langley because on Monday Mike and I are going to MEHHICO baby!! That's Mexico...intentionally spelled MEHHICO because if you say it like that it just sounds so awesome. One week of all-inclusive awesomeness on the Mayan Riviera. And I am so doing nothing the whole time. I plan on sleeping in my bed, then going to the beach and sleeping there. Then I'll find a poolside chair and sleep there. I would say that I'm so excited to sit with a good book and read, but that's totally not the truth. That'd require way too much brain power for this lil momma.

Now that I read over this blog post I must admit that it probably was more for theraputic purposes that I wrote it. It may not be one of an inspiring nature or knee-slapping humour. It's mostly one to remind myself that there are only 4 short days left before we head off to start our holiday.

This is the little momma that could signing off with a motivating "I think I can, I think I can" make it to friday,
PS - I really love you all.  Thanks for reading. You help me feel normal. You help me remember that I do have a vocabulary that expands beyond the words no, don't touch, let's count to ten, ugga-bugga, and peek-a-boo. I appreciate that.


  1. ... love your posts. all the time. you're such a great writer ... I even read them outloud to Lu so we can have a chuckle together :-). can't get better than free entertainment *grin*!! and better yet, a glimpse into your wonderful life!

  2. Laura, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog (your title is genius). Without fail you give me something to smile about with each post. You truly are a wonderful mother. This incident reminded me of my own experience potty training boys (although mine was only a "day in the life of" kind of situation). I blogged about it last year:

    Looking forward to your future posts (you are an author in the making),


  3. ps. At the risk of sounding like a certain presidential campaign, "Yes, you can." LOL

  4. You sound just like me in the travel department. I'm a terrible tourist. All I want to do is sleep, go to the buffet, move to the pool, go back to my room for a nap, have a snack, go to the beach, eat dinner, go back to bed. I hope you have a fabulous time in MEHHIKO! And it does sound awesome that way! haha

    Btw, 2.5 is still early for potty training. You are a wise momma who is watching her child for cues in that department. I wish I had been as wise when I was a mom the first time. I would have avoided many a tear (mine), and poopy pants (his).


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