Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tunnel Vision.

To say that this past week was fun would be a completely obsurd lie. There were parts of it that were fun. My mom came for a visit, that was fun! The week has ended, that is also fun. Let me break down my week for you.

Last Friday my one year old Jackson woke up from his nap with a fever of 102. He was super fussy for the next two days. That's fine, we can make it through that. Sunday he broke out in a rash. Monday when I brought him in to the doctor -he was pulling out his hair, literally, he was so itchy - he had to get 3 tests done including blood work, a urine sample and a throat swab - all are awesome tests to run on a one year old - because they thought it could be the measles. Both my boys were now quarantined at home for the rest of the week until we got the results. (I recognize that the sentance before the last was a majorly long sentance)

When Linden turned one there were all those rallies against immunizations because of a possible relation to autism. We opted to wait a bit and do more research before getting his 12 month and 18 month shots. So Linden hadn't been immunized either. So....Tuesday morning Mike and I brought the boys in to have their shots. I now understand why they give the shots at one year old and not three years old. A three year old is very aware of everything.

By Tuesday afternoon Jackson was almost better. The rash was almost gone and I really didn't think that it was the measles, he didn't have some of the very obvious symptoms that come with measles and he was recovering very quickly. But I still had to keep them home until we found out for sure. Thursday I called my doctor's office three times to find out, they were so patient with me. (smile) I just explained, kindly of course, that I have two children at home who can't leave and we're going crazy, and if I don't find out before the weekend I'll have to cancel all my plans including Mother's day stuff because of a possibility that it could be measles. The front end gal was very understanding and I got the test results first thing friday morning. NO measles. Praise the Lord!!! Now my boys are immune from the shots and I don't have to worry about them getting it. If the rash that Jackson had was that bad (it actually was just a common cold virus that showed itself in the form of a rash instead of the normal symptoms) and it wasn't the measles, I NEVER want my kids to go through actually having it.


I think that sometimes I can get tunnel vision when I'm having a rough week. I'm sure my husband has known this about me for a long time because I'm also sure that he takes the brunt of my frustration and worry. When I look back on it now I can see that there were good things to my week. I got to get my hair cut and I'm soooooo happy with the result! My momma was here and I also got to have some girls over last night for a fun night of learning, laughing and of course, eating! Mike and I also got to go on a date to a new restaurant in town. Tonight we have a banquet, and tomorrow I get to be celebrated for all my greatness (Mike, I hope you're reading:). If I could only remember the good when the bad seems to take over I'm sure the bad wouldn't seem as bad.

Anyways, I'm hoping that Jackson wakes up sooon from his nap because my street is buzzing with people and cars, I think there's a huge garage sale near by. So....I might go encourage Linden to stomp like a dinosaur and bang some pots together to see if we can get him up and go check out what all this craziness is.

Have a great day and may your tunnel be bright with light today. Mine is.
p.s - I'm not actually going to try to sabotage Jackson's nap. That'd just be mean.

p.p.s - I'm a mom. I'm a good mom. I'm a loving mom. But I'm not a perfect mom. So when I say 'celebrated for all of my greatness' I'm just being cheeky and trying to get nice presents from my man.

p.p.p.s - I don't know if ppps is right, but it'll work for now. I also would like to add that when I said at the beginning of this post that 'to say that this week was fun would be a completey obsurd lie' I was still seeing through my tunnel of negativity and perhaps a bit of self pity. I have now stepped out of that tunnel and can see the brighter sides of the week too. Thank you. That is all.


  1. You are cute. There is no need to explain yourself, in my opinion. I could read the cheekiness - you write more clearly than you think and the heart of your tone shines through. :) Just thought I'd encourage you with that.

    Hope your next week is good! And that you are spoiled to the extent of your greatness on Sunday. ;) Happy Mother's Day!

  2. love it ALL! that's MOMMY life for SURE


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