Monday, February 15, 2010

When life throws you lemons...

Make lemonade? No thanks. I'd rather have chocolate, in large quantities.

I've thought a lot about whether or not I'd write about this. I wasn't sure what people would think and I didn't want to write it for sympathy. Please know that this is not a sympathy plea, I appreciate prayers for sure, but I mostly write this so that maybe someone else can feel supported, or understood. *the following information may be graphic, reader discretion is advised :)

Last week was awful. Not going to lie, it was the worst week of my life and I'm glad it's over. Even though it was the worst week ever I feel so blessed and thankful. It could have been a lot worse. On Saturday, the 13th, I ended up in surgery for an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. By the time we got to Saturday I was just thankful for an answer. Throughout the week I went from being told I was pregnant (we weren't planning that by the way, it was a surprise for us) to being told I had a miscarriage, to possibly not and could still be pregnant, to an ectopic pregnancy, back to possibly being a healthy pregnancy and back to it being an ectopic pregnancy. At the time of each of those announcements I went through all of the emotions of each of them. We weren't planning on getting pregnant for another year, but I was thrilled to hear that I could be pregnant.

I never understood the emotions involved in an early miscarriage. There were times in my head were times where I'd think, how is it possible to get so emotionally attached to something I didn't even know that was inside of me? I now understand, very well, that while your mind might not be aware your body is 100% fully engaged and aware of the life that is trying to develop inside of you. When I was then told it was an ectopic pregnancy I was devestated. I didn't understand the true danger in an ectopic pregnancy for the mother - and I didn't know that pretty much 100% of the pregnancies ever develop to the point of having a heart beat. I was so scared that I was going to harm a possibly healthy baby. My OBGYN was so gracious in explaining everything to me. It really is life threatening for the mother. Because the pregnancy is in the fallopian tube it can burst leading to massive loss of blood suddenly.
She then told me that my pregnancy hormone had doubled meaning that it could still be a healthy pregnancy in utero and sent me home with strong cautions to come back immediately if I felt any pain whatsoever.

I went back in on friday for more blood work and ultrasounds. Unfortunately, my pregnancy hormone had not doubled again meaning that wherever the pregnancy was, it was not developing normally. The ultrasound showed that my uterus was empty. I had no pain but because they were sure now that it was an ectopic pregnancy they suggested surgery as soon as possible. On Saturday, before the surgery I asked them to test my pregnancy hormone one last time. I wanted one of two things. One, maybe, just maybe it had been sent to the right location miraculously, or two, that I would go into surgery knowing that I was the only one living in my own body. In hoping for the latter I was by no means giving up hope that my God was able to do a miracle. I know full well that God is capable. I felt peace though that He knows ALL things and if it was an ectopic pregnancy that He cares enough about me to let me know that I wasn't harming a growing embryo. The level dropped significantly. He already had that little life in His hands caring for it. Now it was time to care for my body.

After the surgery my doctor came in and said he was shocked that I hadn't been in pain during the week. I ended up losing my right fallopian tube because of the size of the mass. I know that God was gracious to me in the week. He kept me safe. He kept me from experiencing a lot of pain. But he also led me to go to the doctors office early. I am not a person that heads into the doctor for myself quickly. But something earlier in the week just felt off to me in my body. I felt hormonally weird and just thought I'd go tell the doctor about it. Had I not done that, I could have lost a lot more than a fallopian tube. I could have lost my life.

My right ovary is singing the blues today...feeling a little lonely over there...but the good news is that I can still get pregnant in the future. A dear friend reminded me yesterday of the scripture that says 'He makes all things new'...God can even give me a new tube if he wants to. I'll take it!
I am sad that it didn't turn out in the end to be a normal pregnancy. Today I feel fine emotionally, and I know that in the next few weeks I may have some more emotions to work through. I will validate all of those feelings and work through them as they come. Me writing this out today is a part of helping me look back and see God's gentle and kind hand in all of this.

On Wednesday, when I was initially told it was ectopic, I was crying and crying in the front seat as we were dropping our kids off before returning to the hospital. I was crying quietly though because we had our two Korean students in the back seat and they didn't know what was going on yet. All of a sudden, Linden started to sing.

"I cast all my cares upon you. I lay all of my burdens down at your feet. And any time I don't know what I should do, I will cast all my cares upon you."

God has such a sweet way of reminding us that he cares for us and in difficult times we may have trouble remembering that He is there, but He doesn't forget, nor does He disappear. Hearing my little angel sing that song gave me such a peace. He was verbalizing the message that God was passing along. Cast your cares upon Me. When you don't know what to do, come talk to me.

I am so thankful for friends and family. People here have been so helpful - sending meals and caring for our kids. The body of Christ is such a gift. I am so thankful for Mike, my husband. He is my best friend and there is no one else I would have rather had beside me through this. (No offense all you others :)

Our dishwasher broke yesterday. ha. I don't mind though because I'm not allowed to be doing anything so I don't have to hand wash the dishes...hee hee...sorry Mike. MAYBE I guess I could sit on a chair and help dry them...but only MAYBE. [yawn]...actually, I'm feeling kind of tired... :)

To all of you women out there...especially moms who are caring for lots of people all at the same time. Make sure you care for yourself. Don't ignore signs that your body could be trying to tell you something's up. Don't pass up help when it's offered. And in all of it, bring your burdens to God. He lost a Son once too. He can relate.

Taking nothing for granted,


  1. Hi Laura, I really enjoy reading you blog and think you are just a fantastic communicator.
    I just wanted to say thanks for writing these intimate thoughts. I had a misacarriage as well, on Christmas day this year and it really really was both emotionally and phsyically awful. I'm SO thank ful you are healthy and seem to have some powerful perspective already on this. I pray God would "hem" you in on all sides today and bring your body into divine order. Really, thank you for sharing...and I am SO sorry for your loss. Katie Smith

  2. Okay, I'm a crazy pregnant lady right now but I'm a bundle of tears reading your post. Your writing and perspective to look beyond the "now" of the situation is so insightful and encouraging. And yes, God is so good and I love when he uses our little ones to remind us of His promises.
    Praying for you and miraculous healing of your body and emotions over the coming weeks.

  3. Hello my friend...You really are a wonderful writer - I am proud of you and know that God has you in His hand. I wish I could have been there physically for you, but I know God put the people around you that you needed. I am continually praying for you - the emotions of it all don't just go away, and so just remember, that allow yourself to feel whatever emotions you are feeling. Its all normal, no matter how strange it seems. Sometimes the weirdest things set you off. Know that I am here if you need to chat ever. I love you!

  4. Thank you so much for your candid description of feelings. I am glad that you are on the mend and have a healthy perspective. 50% of all pregnancies are lost - that's huge!! God has his reasons, whatever they are. I know the heart-ache only too well. I lost a pregnancy many years ago, only I did not have Jesus to comfort me then. I look back and know now he had a plan...He gave us a beautiful 6 month old girl to adopt, 16 years later she came to know Jesus, which led us to Jesus. Thank God for the much good comes from knowing him.
    I pray for complete healing to you and Mike through all this.
    Karen D.

  5. We have been praying for you since Saturday when we heard you were going in for surgery through your mother-in-law. Good to hear everything went okay and know we will continue to pray as God carries you through! You are so right - cast your cares upon Him, lean on Him as He is ALWAYS faithful. Bless you Laura

  6. Thank you for this post. It really spoke to me because I have been having some weird physical and emotional 'things' going on right now. I thought that I might have had an early miscarriage but I kind of didn't want to deal with it by going to the doctor. Buuuut I'm going to leave our sleeping babes with my husband and head to the doctor right now.

    So thank you.

  7. Ty for being so vulnerable with us, praying for you, and your family, I love you

  8. Laura,

    We don't know each other, in fact I don't believe we've ever met, but I want to thank you for sharing something so personal and intimate. Your faith in God comes through loud and clear in your post and that give me great comfort because my sons are part of the CPC family. Knowing the leadership is strong shows me that God DOES make all things work for the good. Thank you so much and all the best. God Bless.

  9. Thanks Laura for sharing your story. We have been praying for you and Mike during this time. I know that God never wastes a hurt and will use this for his glory. We love you guys. Dave & Barb Postal


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